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Cromwell Little League

Cromwell Little League

Why Do We Fundraise and seek sponsors?

Friends and Family of Cromwell Little League:

  Every year our league holds various fundraiser throughout the season to help generate necessary funds for our league.

  We operate as a 501(c)(3) non-profit and are 100% dependent upon registration fees, private donations, and fundraising events to continue our services and provide the Little League experience to the families in our community. We are not subsidized by the Town so we hold these events in order to keep the league running and making sure that the kids in our Town can play ball at a reasonable cost.
Our current registration fee is comparable to if not lower then most leagues in the area.
Cromwell Little League is proud to provide seasonal registration fees at a lower cost then the other sports organizations in town.

  The registration fees and sponsorship donations ensure we can operate and run our league each year. The Town does do maintenance on our fields but CLL has a substantial financial role in field improvements and maintenance. So fundraising is essential.

  Fundraiser are more vital to our future as the money goes directly into improvements to our facilities and fields.  This really helps keep our registration costs stable and why we’ve been stable for the past few years. 

Please refer any inquiries Fundraising or Sponsorship to:

[email protected]

What are we fundraising for?

WIS Batting Cages.  2023-Cages and nets have been purchased and installation is underway
Woodside softball fields have dugouts, scoreboards but desperately need batting cages.  This will allow softball players to warm up properly before games.  Complete

WIS Scoreboards. 95% complete. Operational spring 2019    

Last year the league was able to secure a grant from LLI to purchase and install 2 new LED scoreboard for the softball fields at WIS
The grant was generous but not enough to cover the cost to do the actual electrical installation and hook up. The league was able to get a large majority of the materials to complete the job and the electrician has agreed to wait as long as it takes for payment for their labor.
any additional costs will be covered by CLL.
The addition of these scoreboards allows for a better fan/player experience that will allow us to host more Tournaments.

WIS dugouts. In pre construction stage. Completion 2021 Construction set to start April 2021 and be completed by May 1st 2021   Complete

CLL was approached by an employee of Vinyl Tech to have their Carpentry Shop construct wood dugouts for the WIS softball fields free of charge. Then a we found a community member that will make an anonymous donation to purchase the materials.
CLL is responsible for all permits/plans and additional costs.
These will provide an added level of safety and ease of use for the softball program.

Henderson Field Lighting Project.  Installation is underway with an estimated completion of April 2023 Complete

One of the biggest issues CLL has is a shortage of baseball fields in town. There are only 2 Little League fields in town, the rest are actually softball fields. With the addition of lights CLL will be able to extend the use of Henderson and Linquist.
This is our largest project we are undertaking by way of size and scope. We will be relying on volunteers heavily to get this completed.
CLL has finalized costs with the manufacturer and is currently working on terms, and a member of the league is able to have the poles installed free of charge.

There is a Go Fund Me page so please consider a donation.

Bureau Field. Installation of grass infield to accommodate a 46/60 and 50/70 field.
Projected completion 2019/2020  COMPLETE

The Parks Dept. has secured funds last year from the Town to do field improvements, CLL will be working closely with the Town of Cromwell on this project and providing a financial contribution as well as volunteers to get this project to completion. 
These improvements will provide an added level of safety and ease of use for the Triple A division and allow CLL to expand our 50/70 program.

Linquist,Phase 1/Henderson Phase 2 field renovations. 

The Parks Dept. has secured funds last year and will be asking for additional funds from the Town to do these field improvements, CLL will be working closely with the Town of Cromwell on this project and providing a financial contribution as well as volunteers to get this project to completion. 

Sponsorship opportunities

Each sponsor will be able to provide artwork and details for their banners, with advice from the CLL Marketing Coordinator. Banners are the property of CLL and will be replaced or repaired at the discretion of CLL.

                                                 SCOREBOARD SPONSORSHIP

Professionally created Signage will be placed on one of the 4 CLL scoreboards. Choice of location is first come first serve.

2  scoreboards are located at Henderson/Linquist Fields. This is the site of all baseball Majors games and all All-star tournament games as well as all Triple A and below weekend games. Most summer and fall baseball games will be played here as well.

2 Scoreboards are located at Woodside Intermediate School on the North and South Fields. These are the home of our Softball Majors, Minors, and Farm teams. These fields are the host sites for District All-stars, summer, and fall softball All of these teams will play a Travel schedule so there will be extensive out of town traffic all year long.

Director of Sponsorship: Patty Tyrie  [email protected]

Annual Fundraisers

Spring Raffle Fundraiser

This is by far our largest generator of funds. Each player is given $50 worth of tickets on Opening Day to sell throughout the spring season. You can as many tickets as you want, there is no obligation to sell any tickets. CLL provides the top seller(s) with a gift card to Dicks Sporting Goods, and not to mention the prizes are awesome.

CLL Day at the Hartford Yard Goats

CLL will be selling tickets to a Yard Goats game in June that includes an pre game clinic for all CLL players that have purchased a ticket. The clinic will be on the field at Dunkin Donut Park the instructors will be Yard Goats players and coaches. After the clinic there will be a meet and greet with autographs and picture opportunities. Then the players and family will all be seated in the same section to watch the game. Its an awesome day of baseball for all.


Cromwell Little League
P.O. Box 21 
Cromwell, Connecticut 06416

Email: [email protected]

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