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Cromwell Little League

Cromwell Little League

Volunteer Application Process

The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League program is paramount. As adults, we want to ensure that the young people playing in the Little League program are able to grow up happy, healthy and above all, safe. Whether they are our children, or the children of others, each of us has a responsibility to protect them.

Only cleared volunteers are allowed to participate in youth practice, game activities, umpiring, etc.

This needs to be completed on an annual basis.

To gain clearance, please send complete the volunteer form below 
with the following information:

*Full Name (Last, First Middle)
 *Volunteer position (e.g., manager, coach, team parent, field maintenance, scorekeeper)
*Team name
 *E-mail address

Once completed, you will receive an e-mail for a background screening invite from Little League's background screening provider J.D. Palatine (JDP).  The application must be filled out in it's entirety and our Secretary will be notified once your application has been processed.

For information regarding JDP, the provider approved through Little League International, please click on the following link:  

For all future season's volunteers will need to fill out a new application.

uestions may be emailed to Joe Fianza our League Secretary.   

Thank you for volunteering,



Volunteer Opportunities

HEAD COACH/ MANAGER – 1 per team
This position is the team lead in charge of team players, assistant coaches, and all communications between the League and parents regarding schedules, changes, rainouts and CLL events. Head coaches instruct players in proper baseball skills, produce player lineups and provide overall player support and encouragement. Head coaches also help secure team parent, team scorekeeper and field maintenance persons (when applicable).
Head Coaches/ Managers are subject to board approval and are not guaranteed a coaching position from year to year.  This position also requires attendance at Manager meetings and possible instructional sessions/coaching clinics.

ASSISTANT COACH – maximum 3 per team
This position assists the Head coach with anything involving team practices, player organization, skill building, game operations, equipment handling, team jersey distribution and general player and team support.  This position also needs to assist the field maintenance person(s) with field setup and break down before and after games.
Assistant Coaches are also subject to board approval and are not guaranteed a coaching position from year to year.  

TEAM PARENT – maximum 1 per team
This position assists the Head Coach and Asst. coaches with parent and team communications and general team support. 

Team parent role also includes: 
-Obtaining and distributing the team roster to parents
-Sending out team communications to parents (re: special events, game or practice changes, parties, etc.)
-Organizing a snack schedule (if agreed by team)
-Planning the team’s end of season party/picnic 
-Organizing and tracking volunteers among the team to help with the above tasks

FIELD MAINTENANCE LEAD - maximum 1 per team
This position will be responsible for maintaining the fields before and after games.  It is beneficial to solicit additional help from team parents as well. 
Duties may include:
-Attend mandatory pre-season Field Maintenance training
-Relay and act as trainer to parents that sign up to help out
-Assist at Field Improvement Days
-Manage and perform pre-game and post-game field maintenance duties 

SCOREKEEPER – maximum 1 per team (AA and above for baseball, Farm and above for softball
This position is required to attend and keep score at each game according to the team schedule.  It is also helpful to solicit additional help from team parents for backup.  However, only the designated team scorekeepers for that team will receive credit for this commitment.
-The Home team must provide the Scorekeeper to keep Official Score Book for that game
-Arrive to field 15 minutes before game time begins
-Bring 2-3 pencils with erasers to each game
-Keep score – track the pitch count, hits, walks and errors
-Have the plate umpire sign the Official Score Book

The Snack Shack is located at Henderson Field. This position works preferably as a team with 2 volunteers per each shift. 
-There should always be at least 1 adult volunteer at the Snack Stand
-Children under the age of 12 are not permitted in the Concessions
-Duties to include: Selling food and drinks at the counter, and cleanup

CONCESSIONS COOK : 2.5 hour shifts
-This position works preferably as a team with 2 volunteers per each shift. 
-Must be 18 years old
-Maintain the grill and fryer
-Cook burgers,dogs, and fries.
-Depending on the shift may be responsible for startup or shut down
-Training provided

There are a number of special events throughout our Little League season.  This position will act in any number of ways to ensure those events run smoothly. 

CLL Special Events include:
Opening Day
Field Day(s)
Picture day


Cromwell Little League
P.O. Box 21 
Cromwell, Connecticut 06416


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